Recreation Nova Scotia 2020 Regional Games sponsored by Clearview Business Services Corp.

We’re busy making plans for Regional Games dominance!

We’re busy making plans for Regional Games dominance!


Clearview Business Services Corp. is happy to sponsor Recreation Nova Scotia’s 2020 Regional Games!

Congratulations if you’ve finished the Regional Games, and good luck if you’re just starting! :)

Clearview offers small business/non-profit finance and operations consulting, working with non-profits covering a wide range of mandates. Regardless of the business structure or the purpose/mandate, there are a lot of similarities in what those organizations need from a bookkeeper.

Of particular note since the beginning of COVID-19 are all things payroll. If your organization manages your own payroll, here are some things you should be aware of for this year:

And if you’re just looking for someone to talk to about your organization’s payroll needs, a referral to the payroll software that Clearview supports, or just someone to congratulate you on making it to October in one piece, click the Contact Us button below to start the conversation.

Have fun and stay safe!
